Here is a trustable 5 data entry job you work at home and earn part-time or full-time by college students, housewives, and school students.
just type the captcha and earn more and more money........
1. kolotibablo
kolotibablo is a captcha and earning website. It is the highest paying website. they pay almost 1$-2$ for every 1000 captcha you enter. just type words and earn it has good customer review.
Mega typer is a captcha and earning website. It is the highest paying website. they pay almost 1$-3$ for every 1000 captcha you enter. just type words and earn it has good customer review.
2captcha is a captcha and earning website. It is the highest paying website. they pay almost 0.9$-5$ for every 1000 captcha you enter. just type words and earn it has good customer review.
4. Captchtyper
captcha typer is a captcha and earning website. It is the highest paying website. they pay almost 0.9$-5$ for every 1000 captcha you enter. just type words and earn it has good customer review.